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"Empower yourself by helping others." Arash

Hypothetical situations are circumstances that we imagine. They are not necessarily happening, but they help us deliver meaning to describe a phenomenon or a reasonable fact. They will help us to look at a situation from a different point of view for a fair judgment. Following this, we created this hypothetical story to emphasize the importance of helping others before their problems become ours and required additional efforts and resources to resolve. Sometimes they are very expensive!

"Prevention is better than cure." Desiderius Erasmus

Compare the best strategies for solving problems. We can imagine which one takes less timeenergy, and money. (Helping others and Prevention, or Treatment). 

A. Helping others prevents the problem arise.

B. Treatment: Following suggested strategy when problem arise:

The Story of the mouse on a farm with the dog, chicken, cow, and a "snake"

Once upon a time, there was a farm. A farmer, his wife, a mouse, a dog, a chicken, and a cow, were living there. The little mouse from the top of the attic saw a snake coming to the farm. He ran to the cow, dog, and chicken to ask them for help. He told them, “He wants to eat me!” The cow and the chicken said, “we are busy and can’t help you.” The dog said, “I was barking all night last night, and I’m tired. Why do I have to waste my barks about your problem? I want to sleep, and I’m enjoying the sun. This is your problem, not mine!”

Soon after, the snake reached the farm and bit the farmers’ wife. The farmer killed the snake right away and killed the dog out of anger because he didn’t bark at the snake to warn the farmer. The doctor visited the farmers’ wife and said she needs to eat meat. The farmer made a chicken soup for his wife, killing the chicken. His wife died a few days later, and he held a funeral serving the guests making beef stew, killing the cow. The little mouse was watching all of these and was wondering how his problem became everyone’s disaster.

Stories such as this could apply in anyone’s life. Everyone’s problem could be ours if we don’t care. We believe helping others is the best way of solving our problems or preventing arising them.