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Welcome to Second Chance Education!

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”   Albert Einstein

We started our nonprofit organization, SCE – Second Chance Education, based on partnerships, collaboration, and innovative research to find more effective and practical strategies/methods to serve the underrepresented and underserved population of our community. 

SCE (Second Chance Education) sees the world as a big partnership, which requires significant cooperation in order to make sure we deliver the best services and maximize the benefits and outcomes for all parties involved.


The diversity of our staffing (including veterans, disabled, and variety of cultures and languages such as Farsi, Dari, German, Arabic, Turkish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Spanish, etc.) at SCE makes us an effective partner with different organizations we work with and impact various clients’ personal and professional lives at all levels. SCE believes providing more effective services would give clients a higher chance to become active members of the community and participate in making a safer and better society for all. On the other hand when they become active member of the society, find a better position/employment with higher pay rate, they become more productive, and help the economy to grow faster.


There are many invisible connections among us, such as having the same or similar challenges, feelings, emotions, anxiety, faith, love, joy, happiness, excitement, struggle, obstacle, fears, and goals. We all face different challenges and barriers, which invite us to an unfair battle to survive and be good citizens every single day. Those challenges and our strategies to overcome the obstacles become more challenging when we have a disability, are low income, first-generation, veterans, LGBTQ, Language learner, etc. SCE Club is a non-judgmental place where everyone is welcome, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, language, culture, religion, disability, sex, etc.


Kurt Lewins, the German-American psychologist, known as one of the modern pioneers of social, organizational, and applied psychology in the United States, created a formula that states: Behavior is a function of the person and his/her environment [B=f(P, E)]. “Kurt Lewin Wiki.” SCE believes the best way of solving problems is helping others by creating an environment that enhances diversity and inclusion and increases a Sense of Belonging and uniqueness (read our WHY, here). We believe success is the fruit of teamwork, and when a team shines, each and every individual shines. The fruit of happiness belongs to all, and there won’t be any success by making someone feel a failure. Win-win is the best equation in the world. That’s why SCE dedicates time and energy to everyone’s “MUTUAL SUCCESS.” SCE’s goal is to serve our community and especially the underserved population and participate in making a world where everyone has an equal and fair chance for a better life.


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